VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
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VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
This article draws attention to the keyword “New Historicism” through its evolution from its precursors of “Historicism.” The literary scene both in England and America at the turn of the century is a very complex one. Much that is traditional and old persists along with much else that is new, and as the century advances it becomes clear that the future lies with newer trends and approaches. For a correct appreciation of the New Criticism and New Critics, who increasingly dominate the critical scene, it is essential to form a clear idea of the chief trends, in American Criticism and the work of the leading American critics in the last decade of the 18th and the early of the 20th century. American literary scene in the opening decades of the century is one of great difficulty. A number of trends and movements, currents and cross currents are visible. Much that is old and traditional survives along with much that is new and experimental. The Romantics, the Realists, the Impressionists, the New Humanists. The Psychologists, The Marxists, continue to write deep into the New Century.
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
Silence! The court is in session, Tendulkar got inspiration from a real life incident. The play is a social satire with the tragedy of an individual victimized by society. A group of artist goes to a town to perform a play. A rehearsal of the play in which there is a mock trial is arranged. In this mock trial, the private life of LeelaBenare, the plays protagonist is revealed and publicly discussed. The theme of the play revolves round the idea of a game the mock court trial in which Benare, who is on the offensive in the beginning, finds herself entrapped in the game towards the end of the play. It is the presentation of Silence! The Court is in Session that Tendulkar is recognized as a rebel against society. Outwardly, the play moves around the theme of love, marriage and sex. But the ideas expressed here are anti-romantic and anti-establishment. Through the rehearsal of the play, which is ostensibly a game, Tendulkar exposes the double standards of our society.
Keywords: - Barbarism, Victimized, Humanitarian, Mock -trial.
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
In the study of literature, there are two components to criticize the literary work. One is Literary Criticism and another one is Stylistics. Literary language is the deviation of language. The deviation can be understood and judged by the norms of the literary language. For this kind of judgment, both criteria are useful. One is the literary criteria and the second one is the linguistic criteria. As a new approach to literature Stylistics criticizes linguistic features of the literary work. So, it is also known as a branch of linguistics. The historic view of stylistics can give us an idea of how stylistics develops as a new branch of linguistics that connects linguistics and literature. The development of the theories of criticism and new techniques in criticism expresses the development in criticizing techniques in this modern scenario. As a new branch, the description of Stylistics is explained here in detail. H. G. Widdowson’s theory of stylistics explained with his view as stylistics is a discipline of disciplines.
Keywords: Stylistics, Criticism, linguistic application, deviation of norms, discipline
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
Jean-Paul Sartre is an iconoclastic French philosopher, novelist and playwright. He was born on June 21, 1905 in Paris and was raised by his grandfather. He lived his whole life with Simone de Beauvoir in an open relationship. He was impressed by the philosophy and ideas of Kant, Heidegger and Hegel. He refused the Nobel Prize for literature in 1964 on the ground that ‘a writer should not allow himself to be turned into an institution.’ The Nobel Foundation honoured him for his work which, rich in ideas and filled with the spirit of freedom and the quest for truth, has exerted a far-reaching influence on our age.
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
The paper highlights Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar’s great endeavor to present a fresh discourse on the Buddha’s life and teachings for the people of the post colonized period who entered into a never existed ( partially existed in its limited nature) democratic system in India. The discourse was published when the concept of colonialism was not even discussed. But the work is an ideal model rather a blueprint for the writers of the post-colonial India. The book not only brings infant democratic Indian out of colonial mindset but also line up the values strengthening Indian democracy. In the vagueness of the term colonialism, Buddha and His Dhamma hails India’s own ancient legacy of democracy. At the same time the writer dares to disapprove many notions contrary to the Buddha’s teaching. Dr. Ambedkar excludes myths and miracles and points out many manipulations not suitable for the modern democratic India and paves a blue print of ideal literature for the modern writers.
Key words: Buddha and His Dhamma, Post-Colonial, Colonialism,
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
Plagiarism is presenting someone’s work or ideas as their own, with or without the particular person’s knowledge, by incorporating it into their work without permission. All printed and unprinted material, whether in manuscript, or electronic form, comes under this category. Copying others ideas is nothing but plagiarism. In present generation almost all the people depending on internet .while depending on it we should remember that we can get an idea from others but not has to copy as it is. In a corner it’s a crime that the people is just robbing the ideas. To make it easy understanding let’s take a good example that we don’t allow others to get authority on our property the same way we don’t have the rights to take others words as same. Let me give some ideas about plagiarism.
Key Words Plagiarism, knowledge, plagiaries, kidnapper, Intellectual theft
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
The language, speech and communication are most important for the special children during the primary school level. At the age of 5 to 11 approximately 7% of children affecting speech and language impairment, not only the level of primary but also the pre-school children shows delay to communicating others. Therefore, they are strained automatically in their writing ability and it make difficult to understand, stammering and get glitch. Learning a language is on this view simply a matter of learning the local projection that is, finding the phonetic clothing for the preexisting concepts. Bruner theory (1986) of mind is considered central to children’s conception of the social world and to their predictions and explanation of others’ behaviour. Due to insufficient phonological ability this age group children have lack of problem to form the sounds so they are inability to speech. For that reason, the children make utmost problem in their writing process. The present paper tries to interpret the phonological problem faced by the special children while writing.
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
The present article attempts to critically evaluate the concept and significance of ‘the art of characterization’ in a work of fiction - particularly a novel. Every novelist has his own way to approach his characters and make them stand. Such an approach, therefore, reveals the author’s ideas about human beings, and his attitude towards life. It is by virtue of his acute observation and active involvement in practical life that a novelist picks his pen and draws dots, later joining them into lines paving way to those essential props - ‘the characters’ - for his fictional world. His view of life is thus bound to emerge through delineation of his characters; their actions; and, of course, the comments put into their mouths. When a novelist, out of his ‘prime sensibility’, creates characters it obviously requires a pretty good art whereupon he appeals not merely to our curiosity but to our intelligence and imagination as well. It is thus the most sensible task for a novelist, for a character has not only to be just in its demeanour, but also capable of sustaining those requisite changes convincingly. Needless to say that it is by virtue of his prime art that a novelist produces a wonderful range of characters throbbing with unique traits so as to urge and tease its readers long after they had felt and enjoyed their presence. Such an art thus obviously warrants for due craftsmanship on part of a novelist.
KEY WORDS: characterization, art, myth, delineation, intelligence, sensibility, craftsmanship
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
Non-verbal communication means communication
with the help of body language.
Everyone who wants to improve his communication skills should know the
effective use of body language. When a person interacts or communicates he uses
some gestures, postures, eye contact, etc.
consciously or unconsciously this is called body language. The personality of a person is not only judged by
his spoken words but with the help of the
body language he uses during the communication. The people know less about the conscious use of body language.
This paper definitely helps to understand various types of body language and
how one should be aware of his own body language. The research paper mainly will focus on Computer-Mediated
Communication (CMC) which has influenced day-to-day human life. It has many
advantages in this technological era for people using Android mobiles and
computers. So, this paper aims at knowing Computer Mediated Communication use
of symbols and cues in social media for communicating.
Key Words: emoji,
Computer Mediated Communication, Emojipedia, Body Language
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
8.1.10 ENGLISH
paper is an attempt to discuss about disintegrated love with the character of
‘Jay Gatsby’ in the novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald ‘The Great Gatsby.’
People try to buy love with money. They can go to extreme in the path of
chasing their dreams and desires. However there are so many things in the world
that couldn’t be bought by money. Feelings are one among them. You can’t give
price for feelings. This is something which comes naturally. Jay Gatsby came
from poor class family. He did everything in his power to get the love of Daisy
Buchanan. For her, he became rich. But unfortunately he didn’t get his love of
life and died at the end all alone. In chase of American Dream he forgets to
live his life. Money can never give us complete happiness because at last it’s
just a piece of paper. It is always humans, the true people around us who can
make our life complete. In ‘The Great Gatsby’ F. Scott Fitzgerald presented the
idea of failed American Dream as well as disintegrated love with the character
of Jay Gatsby, the protagonist and his beloved Daisy Buchanan.
Key words: Disintegrated love, Failure, American Dream,
Power, Money, Gatsby
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
8.1.11 ENGLISH
Globalisation has been
defined to understand by both empirical and non-empirical processes. Though globalisation
is adhered to the economic aspects its trajectories have grown and outreached
beyond the empirical constraints of language and culture. In globalisation, the
interactive nature of language and culture is hard to measure because of their
interconnectedness. However, the interconnectedness is apparent to reach with
empirical attempts to understand. Cultural anthropologists and sociolinguists
by their methodological researches have explored globalisation to define apart
from economic aspects. As per their observations and opinions culture and
language found, under globalisation, established a strong and complementary
interconnectivity into paradigms. The paradigms in the globalisation context
are generally understood as cultural differentiation, in which separating the
world into civilization units in conflict with each other. One among such paradigms under globalisation
is identified in the theory of McDonaldization. The theory refers to the
homogenisation of culture and paradigm of hybridity or ‘global melange’, which
is a movement towards simplicity. In this cultural differentiation, the world
gets separated into different cultural units conflicting with each other.
Nevertheless, the conflicts are found to be fading with the homogenisation of
culture and into the paradigms of hybridity. In another phrase it is the
‘global melange’’ which has become a shift towards simplicity. This shift of
paradigms either into homogenisation or simplicity is certainly been
intermediated between language and culture to form and influence as an ideology
without which the paradigm shift is not possible. Under this hypothesis of the
intermediation between language and culture in globalisation the present paper
attempts to examine how globalisation influences on language and culture in the
establishment of an ideology and specifically an ideology of hybridity.
VOL- 8 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
8.1.12 ENGLISH
paper aims to comprehend the moral dichotomy of the central characters depicted
in the novel Memories of Rain written by Dr. Sunetra Gupta. She is the writer
of the modern era, voicing the muffled conflict confronted by their characters.
The moral dichotomy brings out the real persona of the characters and enhances
the understanding of the human psyche. The conflict, in any form, external or
internal, heightens the intensity of the literature. By analyzing the conflicted
minds of the central characters, the readers are brought closer to the mirror
of their life. Human nature is occult to the world and to oneself. The close
reading of the novel puts forth the varied reasons for the moral dichotomy.
Keywords: Conflict; human sentiments; morality; human