VOL- 7 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
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VOL- 7 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
VOL- 7 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
always face difficulties in different ways in life. Women were suppressed and ill-treated
by the other sex. They think that women are their slaves and will be under
their control. They didn’t have liberty or equality. Women weren't liberal to
act on their own. They were subjected to many illegal acts and cruelty.
Education was refused to them but the suppression was broke out by a number of
the good women and that they proved their power. Naturally, Literature is a
reflection of life. It was evident through the works. Feminism was like a
medium to speak about their problems and through their works, the world came to
know about their problem and so feminism in India has flourished. Anita Desai
has been writing a number of the simplest English fiction in India for nearly
four decades. She’s been shortlisted for the person Booker prize thrice and won
the SahityaAkademi Award, one among India’s most prestigious literary prizes,
in 1978 for her second novel, Fire on the Mountain. Familial relationships and
their evolution are the most themes of Desai’s fiction. This paper deals with
Feminism and Marriage within the novels of Anita Desai.
Keywords: Feminism,Women status, Awareness, Patriarchy
VOL- 7 ; ISSUE- 1, PUNE RESEARCH - An International Journal in English (ISSN 2454-3454) JIF 3.02
Maoist organization originated in China. The Maoist movement in India has a
long history of nearly 40 years and is still moving in a more organized and
deadly way. The ideological formality of the movement in India is derived from
Marxism-Leninism-Maoism. The Maoists claim that after a "concrete analysis"
in India, they have found four major contradictions. They are like that. The
contradiction between imperialism and the Indian people.The conflict between
feudalism and the masses.The contradiction between capital and workers and the
internal contradiction within the ruling class. The Maoists see the last two
principles as contradictions that contribute to the class struggle through
opposition. There is one thing we need to remember. When Karl Marx was saying
that violence would be indispensable for bringing about a revolutionary change
in society. In this regard, the well-known scientist D.D. Kosambi's famous
statement, "Those who accuse Marxism of being based on violence,"
says, "If the weather forecast predicts storms, the forecast invites
storms. This is the history of the Maoist movement in India." It also
sheds light on its nature.